Once you’ve placed an order with us, we’ll send you an email confirming the details. Your package is sent within 5 working days and we’ll follow up with information on tracking so that you can trace its progress. It’s important to note that we cannot reroute packages, nor change the contents of any order once it has been shipped. With this in mind, please ensure that your shipping address, personal information and selected items are correct before finalising your purchase at checkout.
Duties and taxes
When you place an order from outside EU, you may be charged VAT, import duties and/or taxes upon its arrival, as levied by your country’s Customs authority. Per standard commercial practice, we ship overseas orders in accordance with Incoterm© Delivered at Place (DAP). In short, this means that we do not collect VAT, duties and/or taxes, and cannot predict the charges that may apply in your country. If your order does incur additional local charges, the relevant Customs authority will advise you of the details and request payment prior to clearing your package. To be certain of the terms that will apply to your order, we encourage you to contact your local Customs authority for information. Please note that we do not cover additional storage or shipping costs resulting from denial of Customs clearance and/or failure to pay due local charges.
Damages and claims
Please note that all artworks are hand-made, which means they present with unique characteristics and imperfections are intrinsic to the making process. However, if any item in your order arrives damaged in any way, we ask that you advise us immediately upon receiving it. Items found by us to be faulty will be replaced by the same product/s, subject to availability.In the event of damage or breakage, please send us an email describing the nature of the damage, with photographs of the item/s, the shipping box, and the item label.
Please note that the following terms apply to all returns: Our returns policy allows for exchanges, but not refunds. If you want to return a piece for exchange, you must do so within 30 days of purchase. To be eligible for exchange, your item must be returned to Laura Pasquino Studio unused, in the same condition in which you received it, and in the original packaging. We also require a receipt as proof of purchase. Please note that customers are responsible for return shipping costs, and that these costs are non-refundable.